Elevate the creative potential in your business and make a positive impact

……because the world needs innovation that matters

Innovation consulting and training services for outstanding brands who believe in better business


Today, businesses don’t just have to build great, compelling brands they have to address the major reckonings of our time. They are expected to make a tangible difference to people’s lives and the environmental challenges that are becoming more pressing by the day. 

The thing is, finding the time and headspace to truly create ideas that matter which balance profit and planet responsibility is not always easy. 

I’m here to help you own it. To make it easier, through:

  • Ignite and inspire keynotes to catalyse conversations and shift perspectives.

  • Innovation frameworks, facilitated skill-building workshops, and flexible resources to embed mindful innovation within leadership teams and the wider organisation.

  • Coaching and advisory to support and scale a more mindful innovation culture.

Leave a positive legacy by thriving at innovation which impacts both your bottom line and makes a positive impact.


Accelerated learning in a rapidly changing world

I collaborate with individuals, brands, and agencies to help them make space for more mindful innovation and help make it easier for them to deliver innovation with positive impact.

I offer keynotes to catalyse conversations on topics critical to developing mindset shifts and power skills to drive innovation success. Plus, agile learning solutions, toolkits and hacks that draw from design thinking, behavioural science and business practices to provoke how you think and transform how you work to create a culture of positive innovation.

Gain competitive advantage by making a positive difference.

I help build critical skills to drive innovation success.

People don’t buy products; they buy better versions of themselves……….

Humans are complex; our choices can not be explained only from a functional point of view. We make choices based on different needs, expectations, feelings and how we want to be perceived by others.

I am fascinated by mindful innovation. Innovation that is responsive and connects with human beings and what is important to them. Yet at the same time is responsible; connecting with a deeper sense of how you as a business want to make a difference and leave a positive legacy.

Figuring out how to approach this requires headspace and time!

Based on over 20 years of practical experience in innovation and anchored in scholarly analyses, my unique version of design thinking will empower teams with cutting-edge tools and methods to think more creatively and drive a culture of mindful innovation.   

In an era of disruption and shifting customer needs, businesses need to question everything and simply cannot operate as they have in the past. I am a strong believer that questioning plus action can lead to change and that brands need to get ahead with a framework of rethink, reimagine and reset. This is the framework that underpins my approach.


What makes me different?

My vision is to create a self-actualization ecosystem where organisations and individuals come together to create a new form of value exchange centered around purpose, creativity, and empathy.

My mission is to make positive innovation easier so that people, planet, and profit can flourish.

With a multidisciplinary approach, I bring a deep understanding of strategic innovation, human behaviour, brands and learning design, backed up by academic evidence and practical real-world experience. I understand the challenges and needs of business and what it takes to make learning stick. I operate where business flair meets academic rigour, insight meets foresight and empathy meets economics.

To find out more about how we can work together, please get in touch

let’s talk

Thank you for your interest. Please feel free to contact me on the email below:
